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  • Alin D

    Alin D

    I have over ten years experience of planning, implementation and support for large sized companies in multiple countries.

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Sysprep in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008

Posted by Alin D on August 26, 2010

I thought I’d document how to setup the new Sysprep process equivalent on Windows 2008 since the old setupmgr tool for making sysprep.inf’s doesn’t exist anymore (and neither does the sysprep.inf file itself).

The first step is acquiring the Windows Automated Installation Kit (WAIK) from somewhere. You can get this package in ISO file format from Microsoft’s website at The download is about an 800MB install on a Windows Server 2003 SP2 x86 machine.

The tool of choice for building your Sysprep configuration is the Windows System Image Manager (WSIM). When you start it you’ll get a blank screen like this:

The first step is to catalog the image file. You can do this from Tools>Create Catalog, selecting your install.wim and then what image(s) to catalog. I’m setting up Windows Server 2008 Enterprise so I selected the appropriate option. The final three choices are the server core variants:

Note: You’ll also need to copy the install.wim from your installation media DVD sources folder to the hard drive as the tool won’t work with it if it doesn’t have write access to the WIM file.

All of the settings you will want to setup in your unattend.xml file are in the tree under Windows Image. The documentation for all the settings can be found at This link shows a mapping table between the sysprep.inf file and the new unattend.xml format.

All of the various settings can be applied during different passes of the setup process which sysprep will trigger. You can read about these passes here. I built a simple unattend file just for sysprep’ing my base image which includes settings in the generalize, specialize, and oobeSystem passes. All of the settings I chose are outlined below.

My answer file tree:

Disabling the initial configuration dialog:

Disabling auto-starting the server manager application:

Setting my product key, timezone settings, and my name:

Configuring the screen resolution and color depth – 1280×960 is what works in VMWare full screen mode with the tabs across the top:

Configuring setup not to show me the EULA again:

Configuring setup to install a default local administrator account password:

One of the things I discovered doing this is that unlike Sysprep from Windows 2000 – 2003, the unattend.xml file isn’t deleted at the conclusion of the Sysprep process. When down-level Sysprep completes, it deletes the c:sysprep folder. In order to replicate this functionality, you can put a command in to delete the unattend.xml file in the SetupComplete.cmd batch file (which must be located in c:windowssetupscripts) which gets called at the end of Sysprep. Reference this link for more info.

I put a simple one line command in my SetupComplete.cmd file:

del /Q /F c:windowssystem32sysprepunattend.xml

In order to run Sysprep you’ll need to use a new command. The old Sysprep user interface that was there in Windows 2000 – Windows Server 2003 doesn’t really exist anymore. All of the Sysprep command line switches are documented at

sysprep /generalize /oobe /shutdown /unattend:sysprep.xml

So far this process is working fine for me with Windows Server 2008 Enterprise x86 full installs. I haven’t tried it with server core yet, but if it’s different I’ll post something about that.

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