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Posts Tagged ‘Microsoft Exchange Server’

How to Create Your Own Scripts in Echange

Posted by Alin D on December 22, 2010

The Exchange Management Console contains many built-in cmdlets. Administrators can create their own scripts using the PowerShell ISE or a common text editor by using one or more cmdlets, which typically execute in order. The script is stored in a text file with a .PS1 extension.
The PowerShell common language runtime is an interpretive environment, meaning that cmdlets, functions, and scripts are loaded into random access memory (RAM), where they are validated and executed. In EMS, this is performed on the Exchange server.

The Exchange Management Shell and PowerShell define several types of commands that administrators can use in development. These commands include functions, filters, scripts, aliases, and executables (applications). The main command type is a simple, small command called a cmdlet. Both EMS and PowerShell supply sets of cmdlets and fully support cmdlet customization to suit the organization’s environment. The PowerShell/EMS runtime processes all cmdlets.

An EMS cmdlet is a simple set of Exchange Server-specific commands bundled together to interact with a managed  application (Exchange Server) and the operating system. It is similar to a built-in command in any other shell, such as Cmd.exe, Bash, or ksh. A conventional shell processes most commands as separate executable programs. Each program must parse the input and parameters, bind values to the correct parameters, format the output, and display the output.

EMS, in contrast, processes commands as instances of .NET classes and objects. The administrator must provide the necessary parameters and values, and then supply details of object types and formatting. EMS does the rest of the work: parsing the parameters and binding them to their values, formatting the output, and then displaying the output.

Cmdlet Examples

The administrator can run a cmdlet singly or as one of several cmdlets piped together on  the command line. For example, the single cmdlet:


returns all attributes of an address list or set of address lists. The pipelined command :

Get-AddressList | export-csv “C:AddressList.csv”

produces a collection of address lists and pipelines it to the export-csv cmdlet, which requires the file path and name parameter to create a CSV file.

The following example is a custom script line that displays all public folders, their message counts, and total message sizes in a table format:

get-PublicFolder -recurse | get-PublicFolderStatistics | select-object name,itemCount,totalItemSize

Although this is only a single-line command, it can be tedious to type every time it is needed. It can be typed into a text editor and saved as a .ps1 file, PFSize.ps1 for example, in the system path so that it can easily be run again and again.

A working knowledge of .NET is required to write more complex functions that access objects and classes that are not exposed using the built-in cmdlets. The following cmdlet example uses the class in .NET to send a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) email to a nonauthenticating SMTP server using the EMS or PowerShell command line:

$From = “”

if ($args.Length -lt 1) {

$To = “”


else {

$To = $args[0]


$Subject = “Greetings from EMS!”

$Body = “Hello, this is a test from the Exchange Management Shell.”

$SmtpClient = new-object

$ = $SmtpServer

$SmtpClient.Send($From, $To, $Subject, $Body)

This cmdlet takes an argument, or parameter. If the cmdlet is saved as TestMail.ps1, the administrator can issue the following command to send a test SMTP email:  TestMail

Combine Functions to Create a Cmdlet Library

As the administrators become more familiar with EMS and using and writing cmdlets, they will begin to build a library of commonly used cmdlets and scripts. It is common to “recycle” similar cmdlets to use for different tasks. Over time, administrators will find useful scripts and concepts from many resources: colleagues, search engines, scripting blogs, newsgroups, and so on.

It is sometimes useful to put all the cmdlets in a common area where other administrators, users, and developers can peruse them and add to the knowledge base. Often, a  fellow administrator needs to perform the same task that another administrator has already written. There is no reason to “reinvent the wheel.” A common practice is to create a network or DFS share where administrators and cmdlet developers have modify permissions and other users have read and execute access permissions. Arrange the folder structure based on business needs and technical requirements.

Modifying and Applying Server Cmdlets to Other Systems

After a cmdlet has been written and tested, it is often useful to run the same cmdlet against many or all servers in the organization. For example, consider the following cmdlet that configures the external URL for OWA on SERVER1:

Set-OwaVirtualDirectory -Identity ‘MYSERVERowa (Default Web Site)’ -ExternalUrl  ‘’

It is easy to convert this cmdlet so it will run against all client access servers in the Exchange Server organization using pipelining:

Get-OwaVirtualDirectory | Set-OwaVirtualDirectory -ExternalUrl ‘’

In this example, Get-OwaVirtualDirectory returns a collection of all the OWA Virtual  Directories in the Exchange Server organization and pipes them to the Set-OwaVirtualDirectory cmdlet, where it assigns the value.

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Exchange 2010 Database Availability Groups Explained

Posted by Alin D on December 19, 2010

Exchange 2010 Database availability groups allow replication of mailbox databases for redundancy. It uses various Microsoft technologies to provide this service. DAGs take advantage of Windows server 2008 clustering, Log shipping technology, Shadow Redundancy and Incremental Reseeding. Exchange 2010 DAG uses Windows clustering that is different from Exchange 2003 and Exchange 2010. It uses Windows clustering to monitor heartbeat of each other; Exchange 2010 does not require the administrators to manage them at the cluster level.  Unlike Exchange 2007, in Exchange 2010, since a single mailbox database can be replicated across multiple servers, it is required that all mailbox database names are unique. Shadow Redundancy is similar to the Exchange 2007 transport dumpster function. Message that is sent to hub transport role was saved in the transport dumpster.
Requirements for Exchange 2010 Database Availability Groups:

  1. Two or more Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Servers
  2. Two or more NICs per server
  3. Exchange server 2010 Enterprise
  4. One File share witness per DAG

Exchange 2010 File Share Witness

Exchange 2010 DAGs are more of a replication technology than a traditional cluster but still uses some Server 2008 clustering functions to track each other heart beat. File Share Witness acts like a voting mechanism in a cluster. To create a File share Witness share, simply create a share on any server. DAG configuration will configure the permissions automatically.
How to create Exchange 2010 Database Availability Groups:

    • Open Exchange Management Console.
    • Organization Configuration > Mailbox.
    • Choose “Database Availability Group” tab.
    • Choose “New Database Availability Group.”
    • Follow on screen instructions.
    • DAG is created, but it has no member, follow below instructions to add member mailbox servers.
    • Organization Configuration > Mailbox.
    • Choose “Database Availability Group” tab.
    • Right click the properties of recently created DAG and choose manage database availability group membership.
    • Click Add and choose the mailbox server from the list. Then click manage.
    • Click finish.
    • Organization Configuration > Mailbox.
    • Right click on the database you want to replicate.
    • Choose “Add mailbox database copy.”
    • Follow on screen instructions, click finish.

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Whats new in windows 2008 Active Directory

Posted by Alin D on December 17, 2010

As an Active Directory administrator very curies about the windows 2008 features compare to the earlier version like windows 2003, Windows 2008 comes with the whole bunch of features, and am going to discuss specific about the features of Active Directory server roles in 2008

First I will list the features of Active directory 2008 and will discuss in detail of each in my upcoming article


Now you can know the previous and present values for the changed attributes of the active directory object using the new auditing feature in windows 2008, as per the windows 2003 auditing you will only know the present values of the changed attribute

This is very useful features in windows 2008 since you can revert back the changes using the previous value of the attribute

Fine-Grained Passwords

By default in windows 2003 all the user account in the domain should use the same password policy configured in domain level, thats why we called domain is a security boundary, if you require a different password policy then you have to create new domain

In windows 2008 password policy can be configured for specific group of peoples with in the domain

Read-Only Domain Controller

Every one know about the BDC (backup domain controller) and it’s a same as the BDC but it only take the advantages from the BDC and it’s specifically designed for the today’s requirements like branch office setup and to managing the branch office

We all know how difficult to design and manage the domain controller from the branch office, some time it lead to the lingering object, but using the Read-Only Domain Controller
In the branch office where the physical security of the domain controller is in question, or domain controllers that host additional roles, requiring other users to log on and maintain the server

In any Active Directory environment if one Domain Controller not replicated with the partner Domain Controller more then one month, then it’s a very critical issue you have to rectify the replication problem as soon as possible or the Domain Controller needs to be decommissioned with in the tombstone lifetime, since its read-only domain controller no worries about the tombstone time.

Restartable Active Directory Domain Services

Hey good new, now no need to restart the domain controller for every time for the active directory maintenance.

In windows 2008 active directory is a services, you can stop or restart the services for maintenance without restarting the domain controller and restarting it in Directory Services Restore Mode is not required for most maintenance functions, however still some maintenance function require Directory Services Restore Mode

Database Mounting Tool

Active Directory Database mounting tool in Windows Server 2008 to create and view snapshots of data that is stored in Active Directory Domain Services, and no need to restart the domain controller. A snapshot is a shadow copy created by the Volume Shadow Copy Service, at different times so that you can better choose which data to restore after object deletion. This reduces the administrator time and no need to restore multiple backups to compare the Active Directory data.

Active Directory Database mounting tool can be called Snapshot Viewer, Snapshot Browser, and Active Directory data mining tool.

Active Directory Recycle Bin

You can restore the accidentally deleted Active Directory object, without Active Directory authoritative restore, this can be used for single object restore like a accidental deletion of user or OU and you can reduce the domain controller downtime

Active Directory module for Windows PowerShell

PowerShell available on windows 2003 itself, however it’s not fully supported for Active Directory, you can’t manage the Active Directive using the PowerShell in windows 2003

In windows 2008 Windows PowerShell provides command-line scripting for administrative, configuration, and diagnostic tasks

You can manage the Active Directory with Exchange Server, Group Policy, and other services and it’s very easy to use like a windows commands, you can easily pipe cmdlets to build complex operations

Active Directory Administrative Center

It’s new tool in windows 2008 R2 to manage active directory, we already have active directory users and computer to manage the active directory, using this new tool you can manage active directory in a new way

As an administrator you perform most of the task commonly that is daily, some how it’s hard to open an active directory user and computer and find the object and do the task, in this new tool Active Directory Administrative Center it’s very easy to do a common task like password reset and search the Active Directory object and others

Active Directory Best Practices Analyzer

This can be helped to identify and implement the best practices in the configuration of your active directory environment, this will scan your network and find the best practice violations,
Then you can correct that, to get the best out of Active Directory services in windows 2008.

Active Directory Web Services

Active Directory Web Services is give you the Web service interface to Active Directory domains and AD LDS instances (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services)

Active Directory Database Mounting Tool uses the Active Directory Web Services as a front end, like that Windows PowerShell and Active Directory Administrative Center is used the Active Directory Web Services to access the directory service instances.

Offline domain join

Offline domain join makes to join a member server to the domain even the domain controller not reachable from the member server

And this can be very useful for bulk deployment, when the system starts, it will automatically joined to the domain, this will reduce the administrative effort

Managed Service Accounts

Normally applications and services uses the Local Service and Network Service and Local System accounts, it’s easy to configure and shared among multiple applications and services and cannot be managed on a domain level

You can use the domain account for the application (services), this can isolate the privileges for the application, but it’s very hard to manage these domain accounts like password management

We have two new types of accounts, Managed service accounts and virtual accounts in windows 2008, now you can easily manage the service principal names (SPNs), it will provide Automatic password management

Active Directory Management Pack

You can monitor the Active Directory service on windows 2008 using the Active Directory Management Pack (MOM, SCOM)

Designed specifically to monitor the performance and availability of Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS), also monitors the overall health of AD DS and alerts you to critical performance issues.

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Windows Backup for Exchange 2010

Posted by Alin D on December 15, 2010

Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 technologies have pushed the limits towards lowering expenses and increasing the options for dealing with high availability and data protection scenarios. Companies may now choose to enhance their backup procedures covering new high availability scenarios using the Database Availability Group technology. Others might consider not doing backups at all, using the Microsoft Native Data Protection technology i.e. running a Backup-less Exchange Organization.

In order to backup Exchange Server 2010, we will need an Exchange-aware backup application. We could use the Windows Server Backup included in Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2 Operating Systems, Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager 2010, or backup software from other vendors.

There are several important facts concerning Exchange Server 2010 backup to be considered:

  • Streaming backups are no longer supported, only Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS backups).
  • In Exchange 2010, Storage Groups don’t exist anymore. Thus transaction logs are now associated with mailbox databases.
  • A mailbox database is no longer owned by an Exchange Server. Instead, it is now owned and managed from the Exchange Organization level.
  • We must include Domain Controllers in our Exchange Server backup strategies, since most of the Exchange Server configuration settings are stored in Active Directory.
  • It is recommended that we use more than one database for our mailboxes, in order to have a more efficient backup and restore strategy. Each database should contain mailboxes from users with common business needs, such as managers, finance, legal, etc.
  • Mailbox databases don’t have size limitations, large mailboxes and databases are supported.
  • Exchange 2010 Standard Edition is limited to five databases whereas the Enterprise Edition is limited to one hundred databases. These may include both mailbox and public folder databases.

Installing Windows Server Backup

In order to backup Exchange 2010 with Windows Server Backup, we should install it locally on the Exchange Mailbox Server Role. This is included in both Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2. In addition the installation of Windows Server Backup also requires the appropriate group membership, such as Backup Operators or Administrators group.

One way to install Windows Server Backup is using the Server Manager graphical interface as shown below. Please be aware that the command line tools in Windows Server Backup are not supported so we will not

Install windows server backup

Install windows server backup

Windows Server Backup can also be installed using Windows PowerShell by executing the following cmdlets:
Import-Module ServerManager
Add-WindowsFeature Backup

Performing an Exchange Server Backup

Let’s open the Windows Server Backup console from the Administrative Tools Menu, and choose to perform backup once. (Note: In real-world scenarios we would schedule backup to run on selected days, for example every day or once a week, depending on our backup strategy).

From the backup wizard, we will select the option to perform a custom backup and select the logical drives where the database and transaction logs are located.

For example, to backup the mailbox database called Managers, we first have to know the exact location of the mailbox database as well as its associated transaction logs. Therefore we execute the following cmdlet at the Exchange Management Shell:
Get-MailboxDatabase -Identity Managers | ft edbfilepath, logfolderpath

As the cmdlet result shows, in this case we have to choose both drives E and F since the mailbox database is located on drive E and its associated transaction log files are located on drive F. The selection at the backup wizard is shown in the picture that follows:

Select drives for backup

Select drives for backup

In this window, we will choose Advanced Settings.

From the dialog that opens we choose the VSS Settings tab, and select VSS full Backup.

VSS Full Backup

VSS Full Backup

Next, we will specify the destination of the backup files. This can be a Local or a Remote shared folder. Of course, it is not recommended to perform a backup on the same volume where the database or transaction logs are located, since if drive failure occurs, the backup data would be lost too.

Destination Type

Destination Type

On the Specify Remote Folder page, under Location, we enter \Backup-ServerExchange Backup as the location where the backup files are to be copied, and choose Inherit in order to allow access to the backup data to all users having permissions over the folder. Thus permissions over this folder should be restricted to Backup Operators or Administrators only.

Specify Remote Folder

Specify Remote Folder

We click Next and at the confirmation page we click Backup.

When the Exchange database and transaction logs backup completes, we should see a message reporting successful backup, as shown below:

Backup Results

Backup Results


In this article you have learned how to backup the Exchange Server mailbox databases using the Windows Backup feature included in Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2. As from the next article part we will proceed with recovering deleted email items.

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MS10-106 patches DoS vulnerability in Exchange 2007

Posted by Alin D on December 15, 2010

December’s round of patches from Microsoft includes a patch for Microsoft Exchange 2007 SP2. This vulnerability is rated as a moderate, but I know several C level types who would consider anything that interrupts email as nothing short of a national disaster.

This vulnerability, which may also be discussed in CVE-2010-3937 (under review at the time of this writing,) can be exploited by an authenticated user making a specially crafted RPC call to an Exchange 2007 SP2 server running the mailbox role. Microsoft rates this as a moderate severity. Respectfully, I beg to differ.

Consider the Denial of Service attack for a moment. It is exactly as the name indicates, an attack that denies legitimate access to the service provided. Now consider the number of mission critical processes that depend on your email systems every day. What happens to those processes when the email system is unavailable?

I see this at many of the clients I work with; business processes that depend on email and that require an almost ACID approach, even though that is not really possible with a service that offers store and forward, best effort retry, and that uses the Internet. With smartphones and Blackberries, many companies can maintain a semblance of business as usual even when a site goes offline for hours or days, but if email is down for even a moment, heads can roll.

While this particular attack requires an authenticated user, so too do many others. It is not terribly difficult to convince a user to run software, especially with the number of plugins that combine Outlook with social networking sites. And as companies move their email system to the cloud, outsourcing what is looked at as a utility service on one hand, and as the most important, mission critical system in the company on the other, what many of them do not realise is that the outsource provider may be hosting their email on a system that also hosts mail for dozens of other companies. All of those users are making authenticated calls to the system. Do they meet your patching and antivirus standards?

This vulnerability exists only in Exchange 2007 SP2. Companies that have moved to SP3, or to Exchange 2010, are not at risk, but it is worthwhile to note that in the MS10-106 bulletin, Microsoft states:

“The majority of customers have automatic updating enabled and will not need to take any action because this security update will be downloaded and installed automatically.”

Show of hands…how many of you automatically patch your Exchange servers? Anyone? Anyone? For those of you who outsource your mail, how many of you know what patch level your provider maintains on the systems hosting your mail? At one previous employer, I did an assessment of the three hosted mail systems and found them to be on three different patch versions… the most recent was over a year out of date.

If you are running Exchange 2007 SP2, I urge you to treat this vulnerability as severe, and patch it as soon as you can test it in your environment. Better still, apply SP3. If you have outsourced your email, contact your provider to confirm what version of Exchange your email is on, and review their patching policies. It’s called due diligence, is a reasonable request, and how they respond may tell you more than the pre-sales guy ever did.

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You Can Not Start Exchange Server 2007 Services on Global Catalog Server

Posted by Alin D on September 1, 2010

You Can Not Start Exchange Server 2007 Services on Global Catalog Server

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 includes a number of advanced and added features over its predecessor Microsoft Exchange Server 2003. Some of its features include, new clustering options, voice mail integration, 64-bit support for the greater scalability, support for web services, and better search options. However, in some situations, you may not access your Exchange Server Database (EDB) file after installing Exchange Server 2007 and attaching database to it. The database becomes totally inaccessible and you face serious data loss situations. At this point of time, it becomes essential to perform Exchange Server Recovery using reliable tools.

In a practical scenario, you cannot start the Exchange Server services after installing Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 on the global catalog server. But, other services can be started manually. Furthermore, you may see the below events in the Event Log of Exchange Server:

1. Event ID: 2601
Source: MSExchange ADAccess
Category: General
Type: Warning
Description: Process MSEXCHANGEADTOPOLOGY (PID=1624). When initializing a remote procedure call (RPC) to the Microsoft Exchange Active Directory Topology service, Exchange could not retrieve the SID for account -WKGUID=DC1301662F547445B9C490A52961F8FC,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,… – Error code=80040934. The Microsoft Exchange Active Directory Topology service will continue starting with limited permissions.

2. Event ID: 5000
Source: MSExchangeIS
Category: General
Type: Error
Description: Unable to initialize the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service. – Error 0x96e.
Exchange Server is partially dependent upon Microsoft Exchange System Attendant. Exchange Server Information Store service is not dependent upon Microsoft Exchange System Attendant.


The problem may occur, if:

1. Exchange Server domain controller and other services don’t start completely.
2. Exchange Server database is corrupted.


To perform Microsoft Exchange Recovery, follow the given steps:
1. Manually start Exchange services.
2. Change Exchange Server dependencies.
3. Use Exchange Recovery Software to repair and restore damaged EDB file of Microsoft Exchange Server.

The Exchange Recovery Tool is capable of methodically scanning the damaged Exchange Server database and extract all inaccessible data from it. The software are totally safe and easy to use with read-only nature and interactive user interface.

Advanced Exchange Recovery Software repairs and restores damaged Exchange Server database in all cases of corruption. This exchange server recovery software works well with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, 2003, 2000, and 5.5. It restores all EDB file objects, such as emails, notes, contacts, tasks, attachments, appointments, and more.

Axel Culver has passion for writing Technical article. He is right now writing articles related to Product like Microsoft Exchange Recovery Tool and Outlook PST Recovery Software.

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How to Solve Event 413 in Exchange Server?

Posted by Alin D on August 30, 2010

How to Solve Event 413 in Exchange Server?

An Exchange Server database might fail to mount if it is inconsistent. In such cases, you can use Exchange utilities to repair them. However, if it fails to perform the repair, you need to use your backup or scan the database using an efficient Exchange Repair software.

For an instance, consider that you try mount a Microsoft Exchange Server database, but it fails and an error message displays with ID no. C1041724. When you view the application log, you come across the following event:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: ESE
Event Category: Logging/Recovery
Event ID: 413
Description: Information Store (3932) First Storage Group: Unable to create a new logfile because the database cannot write to the log drive. The drive may be read-only, out of disk space, misconfigured, or corrupted. Error -1811.


There can be several reasons for this error to occur:

The Exchange log file has been deleted or quarantined by an antivirus application

You run eseutil /p command on the database, but the log file doesn’t get removed

Exchange log file has a mismatching LGeneration and signature

You run eseutil /r command with incorrect logfile base name


Corresponding solutions to the given problem are as below:

If the Exchange log file has been deleted, you need to use your Storage Group database backup to restore and replay the log files. If restoring from backup is not feasible, you should repair it using database repair utilities or a third-party application to make the database back to consistent state.

If the Exchange log file has been quarantined, you should recover it to the folder containing your production log files and start Microsoft Exchange Information Store service.

Move the transaction log files to a different folder if running eseutil /p command is the issue, while making sure that the databases are consistent. If the databases are inconsistent, restore them from backup or apply a third-party tool to repair them.

Use the correct switch to run eseutil /r command successfully.

If the database is consistent and you cannot repair it using Exchange utilities or restore it from backup, you need to perform Exchange Server Repair using a powerful third-party tool. Exchange Repair Tool use high-end repair algorithms to repair and restore a damaged Exchange database in all cases.

Stellar Phoenix Mailbox Exchange Recovery is a reliable and advanced MS Exchange Repair tool that repairs and restores a damaged Exchange database. It supports Exchange Server 5.5, 2000 and 2003. It is a non-destructive Exchange Server Repair tool providing impressive features and options. The tools enables to restore all user mailboxes together with unchanged contents.

Axel Culver has passion for writing Technical article. He is right now writing articles related to Product like Exchange Repair Software and Exchange Recovery Tool. He is a professional writer and has written many blogs, article, press releasing and content for many websites.

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Microsoft Exchange and Windows Mobile OS

Posted by Alin D on August 25, 2010

Microsoft Exchange and Windows Mobile OS

Being updated with your important mails on the right time at the right place is very important in this competitive world. So won’t it be like a beneficial if you could view your mails on your phone while you are away from your computer or laptop? Yes, by using Windows Mobile Operating System, you can make sure that you can access Microsoft Office Outlook information, such as e-mail, contacts, calendar appointments, tasks, and notes hassle-free. Windows Mobile is a mobile operating system developed by Microsoft for use in smart phones and mobile devices. Sync your Windows mobile device with an application hosting provider such as Apps 4 Rent using hosted Microsoft Exchange for cost-effectiveness, convenience, reliability, productivity enhanced features, and excellent 24/7 support.

Configuring Windows Phone to sync with Microsoft Exchange Server using phone

1) Make sure you have a direct Internet connection by setting up a Wi-Fi connection or by using your phone’s cellular connection.

2) On your phone, on the Home screen, click Start > Programs > ActiveSync > Menu > Add Server Source.

3) ActiveSync menu with Add Server Source selected

4) Note If you’ve already set up a sync partnership with an Exchange server, the option appears as Configure Server instead of Add Server Source.

5) Enter your e-mail address.

6) Select Attempt to detect Exchange Server Settings automatically, and click Next.

7) In the Server address field, enter the name of the Exchange server.

8) If encrypted connections are supported by your Exchange server, select the This server requires an encrypted (SSL) connection check box, and click Next.

9) Enter your user name, password, and domain name.

10) If you want the phone to save your password so that you won’t have to enter it again when synchronizing, select the Save password check box, and click Next.

11) Select the check boxes for the information that you want to sync with the Exchange server.

12) To change available synchronization settings, select the type of information, and click Menu > Settings.

13) If you want to change the rules for resolving synchronization conflicts, click Menu > Advanced.

14) Click Finish.

Adrian Gates ( is a Business Manager with Apps4Rent (; which offers premium hosted Exchange, Microsoft sharepoint services, SharePoint 2007 web hosting and other application hosting services.

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