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Posts Tagged ‘server management’

ActiveSync management from the command line in Exchange 2010 SP1

Posted by Alin D on December 4, 2011

Microsoft’s recent disclosure that PowerShell will play a larger role in server management gives Exchange administrators another reason to familiarize themselves with the command line. Consider the growing number of mobile and remote users and you’ll see why it helps to master the commands necessary to manage ActiveSync.

The Exchange Management Shell commands discussed here are intended for use with Exchange 2010 SP1. Many of these commands exist in earlier versions of Exchange, but in certain cases, Microsoft has changed the syntax.

Creating a new ActiveSync mailbox policy via the Exchange Management Shell
Creating new ActiveSync mailbox policies from the command line may seem pointless to some. After all, many administrators create a single ActiveSync mailbox policy and it’s all they need. However, it’s important to realize there are many different mobiles devices out there and they all have different capabilities.

You can achieve a more granular level of control if you create a separate ActiveSync mailbox policy for each device type, and then base each policy around an individual device’s capabilities. For example, you can create one policy for Windows phones and a separate policy for iPhones.

To create a new ActiveSync mailbox policy, use the New-ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy command and append the –Name parameter. You must also assign the new policy a descriptive name. Your command will look similar to this:

New-ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy –Name ‘<policy name>’

After you create an ActiveSync mailbox policy, you must assign policy values. There are a number of parameters you can append to this command depending on how you’d like to configure the policy. Here are some commonly used parameters:


Assign either a $True or $False value to all of these parameters. Other parameters require numerical values, while the Unlimited and $Null values can take the place of numbers. Here are some examples:

MinDevicePasswordLength $Null
DevicePasswordExpiration ‘Unlimited’
DevicePasswordHistory ‘0’

Below, observe that I’ve created an ActiveSync mailbox policy with all the aforementioned parameters:

New-ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy –Name ‘<policy name>’ -AllowNonProvisionableDevices $False –DevicePasswordEnabled $False –AlphanumericDevicePasswordRequired $False –MaxInactivityTimeDeviceLock $False –PasswordRecoveryEnabled $False –RequireDeviceEncryption $True –AttachmentsEnabled $True –AllowSimpleDevicePassword $True -MinDevicePasswordLength $Null -DevicePasswordExpiration ‘unlimited’ -DevicePasswordHistory ‘0’

Adding a user to an ActiveSync mailbox policy via the Exchange Management Shell
Just as you can create an ActiveSync mailbox policy from the command line, you can also add users to the policy via an Exchange Management Shell (EMS) command:

Set-CASMailbox <user name> -ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy(Get-ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy “<policy name>”).Identity

For example, if you want to add a user named JaneD to an ActiveSync mailbox policy namedWindowsPhone, you can use the following command:

Set-CASMailbox JaneD –ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy (Get-ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy “WindowsPhone”).Identity

Retrieve mobile device usage statistics via the Exchange Management Shell
You can use the Get-ActiveSyncDeviceStatistics command in two ways. For one, you can use it to retrieve ActiveSync usage statistics for an individual user. To do so, use the following command:

Get-ActiveSyncDeviceStatistics –Identity <user name>

You can also use this command to create a report detailing the end users in your organization that have devices linked to their Exchange mailboxes. You can then display usage statistics for those devices. This command’s syntax is tricky because you must apply a filter to prevent client access server-related statistics from displaying alongside the mobile device usage statistics. To do so, use the following command:

Get-CASMailbox –Filter {HasActiveSyncDevicePartnership –eq $true and –not DisplayName –Like “CAS_(*”} | Get-Mailbox | ForEach { Get-ActiveSyncDeviceStatistics –Mailbox $_}

View which mobile devices are in use via the Exchange Management Shell
To find out how many devices a user has, use the Get-ActiveSyncDevice command. The reasons to use this command are similar to those of the Get-ActiveSyncDeviceStatisticscommand. For example, to view the devices registered to an individual user, use the following command:

Get-ActiveSyncDevice –Identity <user name>

To view all devices for all users in your Exchange organization, use the following command:

Get-CASMailbox –Filter {HasActiveSyncDevicePartnership –eq $true and –not DisplayName –Like “CAS_(*”} | Get-Mailbox | ForEach { Get-ActiveSyncDevice –Mailbox $_}

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Technologies behind Microsoft Hyper-V Cloud

Posted by Alin D on January 25, 2011

Microsoft’s Hyper-V Cloud represents a collection of software, hardware, management and business process integration that evolves simple virtualization to a fully-realized private cloud. But if you’re the IT professional whose job it is to construct a Hyper-V Cloud, what kinds of line items will be on your bill of materials?

At the core of Hyper-V Cloud is, unsurprisingly, Microsoft Hyper-V. Operating as its singular hypervisor, Hyper-V is the platform upon which all your virtual infrastructure resides. Hyper-V is the hypervisor that drives Microsoft’s virtual machines (VMs), which are the workloads that IT intends to manage and maintain.

Another part of this portfolio is a management studio that collects all your virtual assets together under a single pane of glass. In today’s manifestation of Hyper-V Cloud, that management studio is System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2. Yes, that’s the same Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) that you’ve seen before, and there are very few differences between the one you know and the one Hyper-V Cloud advertises.

Also key to Hyper-V Cloud is the hardware on which its virtual infrastructure sits. Hyper-V Cloud is arguably more about this hardware than any of the software that IT pros have already been using.

“But why?” you might ask. “What’s so exciting about it? Does it look different, or perform its actions in a fundamentally different way?” Not entirely, but what isdifferent is how that hardware is pieced together, along with what happens once it is built.

Microsoft has put together a relatively sparse page that lists its Hyper-V Cloud partnerships with many hardware vendors that have been around for years. What this website doesn’t really explain is how those hardware vendors are evolving their products to better fit into the private cloud resource management model.

Private cloud moves forward with Hyper-V Cloud
There’s one specific tab, however, that gives away the real meaning behind Hyper-V Cloud: Get Pre-validated Configurations. One of the central tenets of Hyper-V Cloud is that Microsoft’s partners realize the ineffectiveness of how virtualization used to be constructed, along with its inability to optimize IT spending.

An analogy here works best. Remember when building servers by hand was all the rage? Our industry still calls this process “white boxing,” as most of the cases for these do-it-yourself servers were white in color. If you took a look inside those white boxes, you might find a motherboard from one vendor, a set of RAM from another and disk drives from a third. Typically, no two white boxes were alike, because parts were added based on daily demands.

We know now that building a white box wasn’t the best use of time or energy. Fifty different servers with 50 different hardware configurations made for increasingly challenging and expensive server management. And while we’ve stopped that horrible practice with our servers, we’ve picked it back up again — out of necessity — with our virtual environments.

I say “out of necessity” because, until recently, constructing a virtual environment (or its evolved relative, the private cloud) required the white-boxing approach. There was no way to add a private cloud to the shopping cart on our hardware vendor’s website. You needed a few servers from one vendor, some storage from another and networking from a third. Often times, the servers and storage were very different from each other.

As a result, many of virtualization’s easy wins budget-wise died quick deaths as a result of non-optimized hardware and lack of experience in connecting the pieces.

Hyper-V Cloud, and indeed private cloud computing in general, look to move past white boxing through Pre-validated Configurations. These configurations comprise hardware designed with virtualization in mind. But more importantly, they’re like selecting stockkeeping units on a website: “Need a virtual environment? Here’s one that’ll support X number of VMs. It’ll be delivered on Friday. Need to add more resources to your virtual environment? Click here to purchase the necessary modules.”

Leaning on the expertise of hardware vendors gives IT professionals the flexibility to quickly create private cloud resource pools that are pre-configured, pre-validated and able to support a known (and with some vendors, asserted) level of service. That’s good for business, because purchases are significantly more plannable. It’s also great for IT, because what arrives will be an environment already set up with the necessary performance and capacity levels.

There’s a third part to this discussion of Hyper-V Cloud, and it’s a new way to think about the four core resources in our data center: Processing, memory, storage and networking. I call it the “economics of resources.” In the final tip of this series, find out how Hyper-V Cloud, as well as private cloud computing in general, takes a cue from Economics 101 to quantify resources through supply and demand.

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5 Cool New Features in SQL Server 2008 R2

Posted by Alin D on October 27, 2010

It hardly seems possible, but SQL Server 2008 R2 is almost ready. Like most R2 releases, SQL Server 2008 R2 builds on the functionality of the base SQL Server 2008 release by improving scalability as well as BI features. Here are five of the most important features you should watch for in SQL Server 2008 R2:

5. Support for 256 logical processors
Organizations pushing the high end of scalability will want to take advantage of SQL Server 2008 R2 support for up to 256 logical processors (which requires Windows Server 2008 R2). This is a big improvement over the previous maximum of 64 processors.

4. Improvements in multi-server management
SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) has always been great for managing SQL Server. However, SSMS was really for single server management and wasn’t strong in the area of multi-server management. New wizards, dashboards, and enhancements to Policy Based Management will boost SQL Server 2008 R2’s multi-server management capabilities.

3. Master Data Services
Almost all large organizations face the problem of multiple data definitions where the same data is defined and used differently in various locations. SQL Server 2008 R2’s new Master Data Services (MDS) feature provides a central portal from which administrators can create and update master data members and hierarchies, with the goal of ensuring data consistency across the enterprise.

2. Geospatial visualizations in Reporting Services
Building on the geospatial data types in the base SQL Server 2008 release, SQL Server 2008 R2’s Reporting Services will support reports with visual geographic mapping. New geospatial features include visualizations for mapping routine and custom shapes and support for Microsoft Virtual Earth tiles.

1. Self-service BI with Project Gemini
Project Gemini is the core feature of the SQL Server 2008 R2 release. Its goal is to enable organizations to more easily adopt and take advantage of SQL Server’s BI capabilities. It provides self-service BI through a powerful Excel add-in and integrates with SharePoint for centralized management. Project Gemini will require Excel 2010 and SharePoint 2010. For more about Gemini, check out Sheila Molnar’s interview of Microsoft’s Donald Farmer, InstantDoc ID 102613, in this issue of SQL Server Magazine.

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