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Posts Tagged ‘SQL Azure’

SQL Azure migration to the cloud and back

Posted by Alin D on January 13, 2011

As SQL Azure gets more popular and widely used, users will have to develop reliable processes for migrating data to the cloud or bringing it back, either to local servers or a data warehouse on-premises. In more complex scenarios, some companies need to synchronize the data between local and remote Azure databases.

In this article, the first in a two-part series on SQL Azure migration and synchronization, I will examine several options for moving data. The second will focus on more complex scenarios in which ongoing data synchronization is needed.

For one-directional data movement, use one of the following technologies  —  SQL Server Import and Export Wizard, the bcp utility, SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), or a community software called SQL Azure Migration Wizard. Let’s discuss these in detail.

SQL Server Import and Export Wizard.

This utility in general works great for a one-time data migration, or for an occasional data refresh if you don’t mind doing it manually. The interface is simple — you run the wizard, select the tables you want to migrate, determine their destinations and perhaps tweak column mapping. You can run it from SQL Server Management Studio and connect to SQL Azure as long as you are using the SQL Server 2008 R2 client tools. Running it is a little tricky because you will not see SQL Azure as an option for data source or destination. Instead, select the “.NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server” option and then configure the properties dialog by supplying SQL Azure Server, username and password as shown in the dialog box in Figure 1.

Figure 1

Figure 1

If your data is sensitive, make sure to set the Encrypt option to “True” so that your data goes over the Internet encrypted. You may find that your wizard might fail because it scripts tables without indexes by default. In SQL Azure it is required for a table to have a clustered index. If you are creating a new table, the wizard doesn’t create any indexes, and data inserts fail. Therefore, you have to either create tables with a clustered index on the destination first, or in the wizard click on “Edit Mappings” for each table and manually modify the “CREATE TABLE” script to create a primary key as well.

Aside from this, my experiences with the wizard and SQL Azure haven’t been very good. Small tables migrated OK, but I was getting timeouts on larger tables. You get very little control over the handling of failures and you cannot set the batch size. For that reason, I recommend using SSIS over the wizard, especially if you have large tables and need more control over the migration process.

SQL Server Integration Services.  Using SSIS with Azure is pretty straightforward, as long as you configure your connection in the way I described above.  Also, you need to have the R2 version of SSIS to connect to SQL Azure. There are several differences from working with the SQL Server back end. Data transfers are much slower because you are sending data over the Internet, and also because the disk I/O in Azure in many cases doesn’t measure up to high-end database servers. You should encrypt the data, but that slows down data transfers as well.

Like with the wizard, I experienced frequent timeouts with data uploads. Keep in mind that your package might fail if there is a connectivity blip. Therefore, it might make sense to design the packages in a way so that when you restart them, they resume the work at the point of failure, as opposed to restarting all table migrations.

One way of doing that is to implement a logging table that keeps track of what tables have been uploaded. SSIS is the best tool for the job if you need to implement workflow logic, use transformations or send over data from flat files. If you use SSIS, make sure that in the Data Flow task you configure the ADO.NET destination to use the “Use Bulk Insert when possible” option. That allows you to use bulk load capabilities, and in my experience, using that option made data transfers run about four times faster. Also, you may consider changing the default Batch Size to 1,000 or so.

If you lose the connection during data upload, you will not have to start over as you would with a batch size of 0. The data would be committed to the server in batches of 1,000, and you might be able to resume transfer without starting over, as long as you can start sending data from the point where the package failed.

The bcp utility. Another option for uploading or downloading data is using the bcp utility. There is a learning curve associated with using this command-line utility. But if you are comfortable with it, there is a compelling reason for using it — in general, bcp is the fastest way to load data. In most cases, it outperforms Data Transformation Services or SSIS. Other than that, using bcp with Azure works the same as it does when used against local servers.

SQL Azure Migration Wizard.

This tool (SQLAzureMW for short) is an open source utility that can help with your SQL Azure migration. It works really well, and I found it to be much more reliable and flexible than the wizard built into SQL Server Management Studio. You can get it from the CodePlex website, including the source code. The wizard supports the migration of many types of database objects, as you can see in Figure 2.

Figure 2

Figure 2

Once you select the objects you want to migrate, SQLAzureMW scripts out the objects and modifies them behind the scenes to make the syntax compatible with SQL Azure syntax. Then it uses the bcp utility and generates a DAT file for each table, and that contains the data in binary format, as in Figure 3.

Figure 3

Figure 3

Once SQLAzureMW connects to the SQL Azure server, it recreates the objects from generated scripts. Finally, it runs the bcp utility to upload data to the cloud, as seen in Figure 4.

Figure 4

Figure 4

SQLAzureMW provides a user-friendly interface and a lot of options for migrating your data and other objects. Keep in mind though that since it generates a data file for each table, you need to make sure you have sufficient space on the disk. You might still be better off using SSIS for very large tables or for using its workflow capabilities.

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SQL Azure Limitations and Supported Features

Posted by Alin D on December 15, 2010

Even though SQL Azure is based on SQL Server, it includes some limitations because of its Internetavailability and cloud deployment. When you use SQL Server on-premises, the tools and client APIs havefull access to the SQL Server instance, and communications between the client and the database are in ahomogeneous and controlled environment.The first release of SQL Azure has only limited functionality of the SQL Server database. One of themost important limitations in SQL Azure is that fact that the size of the database can’t exceed 10GB. So,as a database administrator or an architect, you must plan the growth and availability of dataaccordingly. The supported and unsupported features of SQL Azure in version 1.0 are described below.

Database Features

SQL Azure supports the following database features:
• CRUD operations on tables, views, and indexes
• TSQL query JOIN statements
• Triggers
• TSQL functions
• Application stored procedures (only TSQL)
• Table constraints
• Session-based temp tables
• Table variables
• Local transactions
• Security roles
SQL Azure does not support the following database features:
• Distributes query
• Distributed transactions
• Any TSQL query and views that change or retrieve physical resource information,
like physical server DDL statements,1 Resource Governor, and file group
• Spatial data types

Application Features

SQL Azure does not support the following application-level features:
• Service Broker
• HTTP access
• CLR stored procedures

Administration Features

SQL Azure supports the following administration features:
• Plan and statistics
• Index tuning
• Query tuning
SQL Azure does not support the following administration features:
• Replication
• SQL profiler
• SQL trace flag
• Backup command
• Configuration using the sp_configure stored procedure

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SQL Server vs. SQL Azure

Posted by Alin D on September 8, 2010

SQL Server vs. SQL Azure: Where SQL Azure is Limited.

Cloud computing is one of Microsoft’s big pushes in 2010, and SQL Azure is its cloud-based database service. Built on top of SQL Server, it shares many features with on-premises SQL Server.

For example, applications
connect to SQL Azure using the standard Tabular Data Stream (TDS) protocol. SQL Azure supports multiple databases, as well as almost all of the SQL Server database objects, including tables, views, stored procedures, functions, constraints, and triggers.

However, SQL Azure is definitely not the same as an on-premises SQL Server system. Here’s how it differs:

7. SQL Azure Requires Clustered Indexes

When you first attempt to migrate your applications to SQL Azure, the first thing you’re likely to notice is that SQL Azure requires all tables to have clustered indexes. You can accommodate this by building clustered indexes for tables that don’t have them. However, this usually means that most databases that are migrated to SQL Azure will usually require some changes before they can be ported to SQL Azure.

6. SQL Azure Lacks Access to System Tables

Because you don’t have access to the underlying hardware platform, there’s no access to system tables in SQL Azure. System tables are typically used to help manage the underlying server and SQL Azure does not require or allow this level of management. There’s also no access to system views and stored procedures.

5. SQL Azure Requires SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2

To manage SQL Azure databases, you must use the new SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 2008 R2. Older versions of SSMS can connect to SQL Azure, but the Object Browser won’t work. Fortunately, you don’t need to buy SQL Server 2008 R2. You can use the free version of SSMS Express 2008 R2, downloadable from Microsoft’s website.

4. SQL Azure Doesn’t Support Database Mirroring or Failover Clustering

SQL Azure is built on the Windows Azure platform which provides built-in high availability. SQL Azure data is automatically replicated and the SQL Azure platform provides redundant copies of the data. Therefore SQL Server high availability features such as database mirroring and failover cluster aren’t needed and aren’t supported.

3. No SQL Azure Support for Analysis Services, Replication, Reporting Services, or SQL Server Service Broker

The current release of SQL Azure provides support for the SQL Server relational database engine. This allows SQL Azure to be used as a backend database for your applications. However, the other subsystems found in the on-premises version of SQL Server, such as Analysis Services, Integration Services, Reporting Services, and replication, aren’t included in SQL Azure. But you can use SQL Azure as a data source for the on-premises version of Analysis Services, Integration Services, and Reporting Services.

2. SQL Azure Offers No SQL CLR Support

Another limitation in SQL Azure is in the area of programmability: It doesn’t provide support for the CLR. Any databases that are built using CLR objects will not be able to be moved to SQL Azure without modification.

1. SQL Azure Doesn’t Support Backup and Restore

To me, one of the biggest issues with SQL Azure is the fact that there no support for performing backup and restore operations. Although SQL Azure itself is built on a highly available platform so you don’t have to worry about data loss, user error and database corruption
caused by application errors are still a concern. To address this limitation, you could use bcp, Integration Services, or the SQL Azure Migration Wizard to copy critical database tables.

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